
Free Health Challenge

By the end of 34 days, you'll:
Increase your energy levels so you can power through the day without experiencing that mid-day drag
Lower your stress level so your immune system can easily fend off those harmful bugs that make you sick
Sleep better and wake up feeling like you're ready to conquer the world
Loose those annoying few pounds that have been keeping you from sliding into last year's jeans or looking good in that fitted shirt
And if you have a lot of weight to lose, it will help with that too
You’ll experience all those amazing life changing benefits plus so many more. And they won’t be short lived or temporary gains because the whole challenge is built around creating new, long lasting healthy habits. 

Who is this challenge for?
This challenge was created and optimized for the average person, who works long hours and is super busy with life and family /friends. It's designed to be worked into your daily activities.
Everyone can benefit from this challenge. Let's be honest, we can all use a little help in our wellness efforts. This challenge will provide the info and activities needed to create lasting habits that'll get your own body working to heal itself. 
If you can answer YES to any of these then this challenge is definitely for you:
  • Are you a little overweight?
  • Or maybe a lot overweight?
  • ​Would you like to get off those daily prescription meds?
  • Do you wake up sluggish and have a hard time getting started?
  • ​Always feel tired and fatigued?
  • ​Do you catch every cold and flu?
  • ​Feeling stressed out?
  • ​Suffer from headaches?
  • ​Looking to take your health/wellness up a notch?
How does it work?
The challenge is built upon four arches of health and wellness
It takes just five simple steps
  • 1. Begin to read and understand nutrition labels.
  • 2. Eliminate refined sugar and beverages other than water(black coffee & tea exceptions)
  • 3. Adjust your meal timing. (Refer to the included meal planner)
  • 4. Add movement elements including increase of daily movement and a light exercise program.(Refer to the included fitness program)
  • 5. Add stillness elements. Breathing, sleep, practice relaxation.
Using the techniques and methods detailed in the challenge, you'll be able to work these five steps into your daily routine. New habits are formed quickly, so by end of 34 days you will have developed healthy new habits that you'll enjoy for a lifetime. You'll be held accountable by the daily worksheets, which will only take a minute to complete, plus the peer support group and emails.

Everything you need for success 
The Warm-Up Days(First 4)
The warm-up document will introduce awareness. This may be the most important time. You'll start to understand nutritional labels and you'll monitor your own intake and movements. This will set a baseline to build upon and compare to.

Warm-Up Activity Sheets
You'll print off four copies of the warm up activity sheet. Each evening, you'll spend just a couple of minutes entering a few points of data collected throughout the day, as explained in the document.

The Program(30 Days)
The program includes a simple to follow manual that details each step of the challenge. It explains the four arches and each of the five steps. It provides the information and exercises that you'll be working on throughout the challenge. It even gives examples of how to incorporate the activities into your own lifestyle.

Daily Activity Sheets
Similar to the warm up activity sheets, you'll print off the daily activity sheets and log your progress throughout the challenge. The program document will explain when and what you'll need to enter into the activity sheets. Don't worry, its super easy!

Two Week Meal Plan
This meal plan is the real deal. It includes a complete, timed eating schedule. The meals are healthy and hearty so you won't be looking for snacks throughout the day. It includes a shopping list, meal prep instructions and beautiful pics of the completed meals... And the recipes are super easy to complete.

Body Weight Fitness Program
The challenge will have you entering into a basic fitness program. It includes a sample workout to get you started. It's a basic body weight program that you'll use to get a routine started. It will be an easy point to build upon as your progress beyond the challenge. 

Private Peer Support Group
You're not going to be in this alone. The challenge includes access to the private peer support group where we can encourage and hold one another accountable. It's not difficult when you have help. We'll get there together :)

Encouraging Emails
I know how it goes...Sometimes even if it's easy it can get difficult or drag. Just when you start to feel like that...Bam! You'll receive a motivational email that will help you stay on track. You got this!

How much is it & How do I get it?
But only for a limited time
Who put this together and why?
I did. My name is Jason...
It was about 12 years ago, when I was thrust into the medical world. I wasn’t expecting it and I certainly wasn’t prepared for it. I was diagnosed with the same rare cancer we lost my brother too, 18 years earlier. I was presented with a long and intense treatment plan. Shockingly, it did not include any nutrition or lifestyle changes. My instincts were correct when I knew I had to help heal myself.

I spent the three years of treatment learning and implementing different methods to help my body heal itself. It changed the trajectory of my life. I became obsessed with learning and testing. I’ve spent the past 12 years continuing to learn about nutrition, wellness, microbiology and nature. I’ve tried many different methods and various approaches to train my body to heal itself. Currently, I live at peace, with metastatic cells in my lungs.

The pandemic of 2020 inspired me to assemble a simple to follow framework that I can share with others. A framework so simple and effective that it can help everyone harness the power their own body provides to heal itself.

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